Andres Navarro Interview / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

european male models european male models

Interview with: Andres Navarro

Andres Navarro

Q. I'm sure many people have commented on your incredible blue eyes. I kind of want to ask a strange (as opposed to all of the "regular" questions you'll get asked!) question. Growing up, did you use to just stare at your eyes in the mirror all the time? How do you use their strength and power in your day to day life?
A. Thank you for your words of appreciation. No, I have never stood by the mirror staring at my eyes at all. In fact, I've never thought that they had any special qualities. But, of course I have used them on occasion to flirt with someone.

Q. Andres, I read that you had some difficulty when you first started to film with other men. I have to tell you though that you look really good in THE ANCHOR HOTEL. What was the best thing you got out of that experience?
A. You know, that was a really difficult experience for me since it was my first video, and I was very nervous. But I somehow got through it, and I think the video looks good. The best things I got out of it was the opportunity to meet some nice guys, and right now, your appreciation.

Q. Have you traveled much? What are your favorite places?
A. I have traveled around Europe, and I saw many beautiful countries there. My favorite countries are Hungary, and Greece. I'd really like to travel to some parts of Asia too.

Q. How do you feel about having sex with men of other races than your own? I believe that black men are some of the sexiest men on earth. I love the way they are built and their beautiful black dicks. How do you feel about black men and would you like to play bottom to a big, black cock?
A. You're right, black men do have very nice bodies. They're lucky to have a genetic gift that makes them good at sports and at sex too. I have no problem working with men of other races.

Q. What KB models would you pick to spend a weekend with? What is your favorite in gay sex?
A. I've met so many handsome, and friendly KB models, it would be hard for me to choose a favorite. My favorite form of gay sex is getting sucked.

Q. When was your first man to man sex experience and with who? Did you enjoy it?
A. It was about 5 years ago, and unfortunately it wasn't a very good experience.

Q. Do you like kissing and rimming?
A. I do like kissing, but I don't really care for rimming.

Q. Is your eye color really that interesting and beautiful or did Kristen due anything to enhance them on film? I liked your Playgirl layout too.
A. I guess they really are that interesting, that is my natural eye color! But the color changes depending on my mood. They're blue when I'm happy, green when I'm sad, and gray when I'm tired or angry. Thanks for the comment about the Playgirl shoot. Personally, I only like two or three of the photos from that layout.

Q. You are definitely hot. What do you do for a living besides Kristen's films? How did you get started in the business? Do you like to perform more as a top, bottom, or versatile?
A. Thank you very much. I got into this business through some friends of mine. Right now I work as a model and as a cameraman. And sexually, I prefer to be versatile.

Q. Greetings from Argentina. Andres, since the first time I saw you in THE ANCHOR HOTEL I was really smitten by your body, and those beautiful eyes of yours. My questions are; how did you come to work for Kristen? Do you plan to continue performing in videos (it would be a great shame for Kristen's fans if you didn't). And, having read that you are married and are a father, are you able to make us believe that you are a beautiful gay man?
A. I'm very glad to be a Kristen Bjorn model. I was referred to him by a friend, and I have made my third video already. I hope to work more of them in the future too. When I do a video, I always try to do my best, and turn in a believable performance. I hope I seem like a nice man in the videos, because I think I'm a nice guy in real life too.

Q. I'd like to know if you like to swallow cum.
A. No, I don't like to do that at all. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Q. Are you more bottom or top?
A. In real life I am a top.

Q. Are you gay, bi, straight, or pansexual?
A. I am straight.

Q. Firstly, congratulations on your new job as Kristen's Assistant! We are all very jealous! Does your family know what your new job is? Do you think working on an all-male set is easier or harder than a mixed, (boy / girl) set? I'm being hypothetical here!
A. Thank you very much. You guys really should be jealous too, because it's great to work with Kristen and the crew! And yes, my family does know all about it. I think that working with an all male cast is probably just the same as working with a mixed cast. Models can have problems or be difficult regardless of their sex.

Q. I think that you mentioned in an interview that you aren't gay. I understand that you are an actor, but how can a non-gay person make the kind of films you make, and really look as though you enjoy what you are doing? How do you manage to get excited to film a scene with other men?
A. Yes, you understood correctly. You know, sex is sex. It's possible for me to enjoy the sex with another man, and still prefer women. The sensations are the same, and the orgasm is just as good whether it's gay sex or straight sex. But emotionally, I'm more attracted to women. That does not mean that I find other men repulsive though. When performing for the camera, I use my sexual energy to get excited, and then I try to perform to the best of my abilities.

Q. Greetings from Spain. I believe that you are one of Kristen's assistants. What exactly is your job? What kind of working atmosphere do you guys have? I have to tell you that you are very handsome!
A. Thanks for the compliment. If you are in Madrid, I hope to see you soon, as I have plans to visit there again. I really love working on the KB crew. I have been working as a second cameraman for the documentary video we have been working on, and I also help to set up lights, equipment, and whatever else needs being done. On the job and off, we share a good, friendly, and helpful atmosphere.

Q. Hello, My name is Sebastian, and I'm from Chile. You know, it was great to see you in THE ANCHOR HOTEL. I never thought that a Chilean would work with Kristen (you know how conservative Chile is), and it's really great! It's something very positive that you are doing, and you are our hero! When are you coming back to Chile?
A. Hola Sebastian! Thanks you very much for the encouraging words. I'm very proud to be Chilean, but I'm really no hero; I'm just a normal guy. I plan to stay in the States for a few years, but I hope to visit Chile again soon.

Q. Which scene did you enjoy filming the most? And who was your hottest costar?
A. The scene I enjoyed filming the most was in MANWATCHER, and my favorite costars were Csaba Zsiros and Attila Sipos.

Q. What is your best sexual experience with men so far? How was it?
A. For me, the best experience is when I can touch someone's heart and body at the same time. It's wonderful when that happens.

Q. What are your plans for the future in terms of your life goals? And will you do more erotic filmwork with Kristen?
A. I want to live my life in a peaceful, loving atmosphere. I want to be a healthy, well built guy. I want to travel around the world, learning new things, and gaining new experiences. Yes, I'll do more video work with Kristen, but now maybe more on the other side of the camera.

Q. Sexually, what do you think about the Hungarian models? Which one would you like to have sex with?
A. For me, the Hungarians guys are some of the sexiest. I haven't given any thought to your second question, but I promise that I will!

Q. When you are not working, what do you do to enjoy yourself? What are your hobbies?
A. I like traveling, meeting new people, reading, spending time with my family, playing sports, fishing, playing with animals, and listening to music.

Q. What is the best thing about making videos? What is the worst thing?
A. The best thing is meeting so many nice people, and making new friends. The worst thing is that it's sometimes very hard work. And it can be painful too. For example, the first time that I got fucked by a big dick; that really hurt!

Q. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
A. First, I would like to travel without any restrictions and see the rest of the world. And second, to live a peaceful, loving life in the company of my friends and family. And third, to remain healthy until I die. I would wish the same thing for everyone else too.

Q. I know that you aren't gay, but what do you think about gay people in general?
A. In general, I don't find gay people strange at all, only different. I've learned to enjoy being with them sometimes much more than with my straight friends. They are really openhearted people, and I find most of them very intelligent and talented. I feel honored to know some unselfish gay men who have helped me out a lot.