Ferran Griego Interview / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

european male models european male models

Interview with: Ferran Griego

Ferran Griego

Q. Do you really like that your nipples are sucked, licked, fondled, cuddled, kissed, worshipped especially by men? Does it help your arousal, your hard-on?
A. I get most arousal from being caressed from head to toe, not just my nipples.

Q. Ferran... gotta tell you how HOT I thought you were in your debut performance for Kristen in THICK AS THIEVES! You can ask Kristen how much I raved about you after I had got the video. The KB corral of models down through the years have had some incredible men, but of a select few, you definitely stand out with the best and I just wanted you to know. I can't hardly wait to see you in the new release and with KB at the helm, I know it's gonna be terrific! Do you plan on appearing in any future KB videos? Like the next 10, give or take a few??!!! I doubt if I would ever tire of seeing you in action. You are one HOT man!!! Thanks for sharing your masculine, sexy bod in the ultimate director's efforts. I for one, sincerely appreciate the time and work you have given to make Kristen's videos the best!
A. Thank you for the compliment, and I give thanks on KB's behalf for appreciating the labor and vision behind the filming. I am happy to tell you that I am currently filming more scenes in a hot new KB video. Let me tell you, if you think my I was good in my debut appearance, I think you'll find me even better now. I am more more confident and involved in this new video.

Q. If in need of a temporary job - Do you think hung Latino men should perform in adult videos or do nude modeling?
A. Latino men should definitely be exposed fully nude; they are genitally gifted, and sensually sexual. As for making videos, if it's with KB then they should go for it!

Q. Have you being scouting male talent for Kristen in your country (Argentina)?
A. No. However I did mention it to some friends in the States, but I haven't found anyone yet.

Q. What kind of sex scene would you suggest to Kristen that he use you in?
A. I like a lot of mystery and build up before sex. I also like the suggestion of sex and foreplay, I find it builds the excitement to the ultimate manifestation of the sex.

Q. You are not a big star yet of KB videos because you haven't appeared many times and also I felt that you were not used enough; too short appearance. I would have like KB to film you longer, in a scene with just one guy and all devoted to your great body and ass that in fact we do not see totally... How frustrating. Will you play again another video ?
A. Thank you for wanting to see more of me in the films. Yes, I will be in some more scenes this time. One of them that I'm particularly excited about is a hot one-on-one scene with sexy, blond, blue-eyed Canadian, Buddy Jones. I think we worked well together.

Q. I'm your big fan in Taiwan. In Thick as Thieves, I really enjoyed your acting. You know, I sent many e-mails asking KB that you be interviewed, and now here you are! So I have several questions for you: How old are you? Are you single? Are you gay, bi or straight?
A. I am 27 years old, and I am not gay.

Q. What did you to do before making porn films?
A. I was a competitive athlete, and I have lived in many different countries practicing sports.

Q. What do you to do in your spare time?
A. Right now, I have no spare time, I am constantly on the go. But I love keeping busy. If I had the time, I would love to visit several of the KB models I worked with in their native countries, and just hang out there.

Q. Where do you like to travel? Have you ever been to Taiwan?
A. I like traveling in Europe, especially in the big cities there. And no, I have never been to Taiwan.

Q. What is the difference between the way a KB video looks, and being in one yourself?
A. KB films look fluid and artistic, as well as sexy. But making one is hard work! Kristen has a true artist's eye, and is a pleasure to work with. And it's worth all the hard work just to be part of his films and his world.

Q. I can't get enough of you in Thick as Thieves in just one scene. Can I see you in more than one scene in the next film?
A. Yes, I will be be in more in more than one scene, and I hope you'll be pleased with my performance.

Q. Do you prefer group sex or one-to-one sex?
A. I definitely prefer one-to-one sex.

Q. Tell me, how did you first get involved in porno video? Did you do it mostly for the money, or for fun, or something else? Would you ever consider bottoming in a video? I'd love to see you get flipped over too!
A. I got involved through modeling work I had done earlier. I did it mostly for the money, but I was curious too. And no, I do not bottom.

Q. In your bio it says you're from Argentina. If that's so, how is it that you are circumcised? When was that done? what are your personal feelings about circumcision? Do you prefer cut, or uncut dicks?
A. I was circumcised because of a medical problem I had when I was a teen. But I prefer men to be natural, thus uncut.

Q. I think that you are sooo sexy as the security guard in Thick as Thieves! I can hardly wait for your next video to come out. Can you tell us some personal sexual fantasies of yours? Have you been able to live them out? What is the wildest sex you've ever had (details, please!)
A. I am a very sexual person. However, I like to live a sensual life, and put sensuality in everything I do. I am very expressive, and I consider every sexual encounter as a fantasy. Of course, there have been some flops too!

Q. What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of making porno films?
A. I love nature and art. I stay connected to the earth, the sky, and the trees.

Q. What has been the reaction of your friends and family about your video work?
A. Many of my friends aren't able to do it themselves, but they respect my choice to make videos.

Q. How long will you continue to make videos?
A. It is a valid experience, and I enjoy it. But I want to move on to other things in life soon.

Q. What is your favorite sexual activity?
A. I like fucking.

Q. About your personal life, what is the best thing that ever happened to you? What is the worst thing?
A. The best thing was growing up, making money, and being responsible. The worst thing is when I used to run away from problems, or fight with people.

Q. As a fellow Latino, I am proud to have an incredible specimen of manhood like you represent us to the world! Tell me, what are your religious beliefs, if you have any?
A. I am a Christian, and I believe in my faith. However, I don't go to church often.

Q. What do you consider to be your best feature? And what do you consider to be your worst feature?
A. My best physical feature? People compliment me most on my gluts, my cock, and my balls! I really like my legs, because they are big naturally, and I never have to work them out. My worst feature has to be my biceps. They need a lot of extra attention at the gym.

Q. What kind of men are you most attracted to?
A. Confident, rich, and successful ones.

Q. What is your favorite part of the male anatomy?
A. I like butts.

Q. Hello from Canada! From the moment I saw you in Thick As Thieves I have been a fan of yours. In your bio it says that you are of Greek origin. Are there many Greeks in Argentina? I am of Greek/French origin but was born and raised in Canada. I was glad to see a fellow Greek (and a really HOT one) represented in KB's video.
A. There is a small Greek community in Argentina.

Q. Were you asked to appear in Kristen's video or did you ask to be in one? Once you were chosen, did you specify to Kristen that you were only a top or was that Kristen's decision? With a great ass like yours it would be nice to see you as a bottom!
A. I was invited to a casting for KB video. At that time, I requested to work as a top only.

Q. What is your favourite colour, food, singer, actor and/or actress?
A. Green, beef, Madonna, Jeremy Irons.

Q. What did you do when you were taking a break from filming? What did you do for fun when you're in the U.S. when you had time at the end of the day?
A. I would lie down and rest, or listen to music. Sometimes I would go for hikes, or swim at the beach.

Q. How was it to film a group scene? Were you intimidated by the other guys? Did you communicate with them well or did you all not speak the same language?
A. I wasn't intimidated. There were several different languages, but it wasn't a problem. However, not everyone concentrated enough.

Q. Have you ever been in a hot group scene in real life?
A. No.

Q. Was it easy to stay hard all through filming? What did you do to keep hard?
A. Yes. There were some porno mags around for "extra inspiration" when needed.

Q. Was Bolacs Fekete enjoyable to fuck? Because it looked like his ass was really good. I was kind of surprised to see that he was able to take both you and your costar so easily.
A. Bolacs is very beautiful and athletic. He was very comfortable, as we all were with each other. We became friends and hung out together after the filming.

Q. Did you get to play around before filming to get used to each others bodies? Or was the sex only while the camera was rolling?
A. The other models and I spent time getting to know each other, not just sexually, but as people too. We went out together, worked out at the gym together, and ate together for over a week. We became connected as people, thus allowing us to have better sex on camera.

Q. How many scenes are you in in the new video? Are you a top or a bottom? Are you in a group scene?
A. I'm not sure how many scenes I'm in... either 2 or 3. I perform as top, and yes, I'm in a very hot international group scene too.

Q. Hello! it was a pleasure to see your performance in Thick as Thieves. I think you were my favorite actor, or the one that I wish I could have sex with of all the actors, as you are so masculine and sexy! I noticed you had a really hot and large orgasm while you were hungrily eating the ass of one of your costars in one of the scenes... It was so hot seeing you cum while you were lost in ecstasy with your tongue lavishly lapping at that hot ass, you even kept licking during and after you came... So, do you enjoy rimming a hot ass as much as you seemed to in this scene? I love to rim and wish we could get together and rim for hours!! (only in my dreams....)
A. Yes, I enjoy being oral. I guess you noticed!

Q. What part of Argentina are you from? Are you a Porteo?
A. No, I am from Bahia Blanca, the second most important city in Southern Argentina.

Q. Have you ever visited Ushuaia? Is it incredible?
A. No, I'm afraid I haven't.