Julio Duran Interview / Kristen Bjorn / HD Gay Bareback Porn

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Interview with: Julio Duran

Julio Duran

Q. I loved seeing you in Little Havana, and I hope to see you in more Kristen Bjorn videos in the near future. I would like to know more about your personal life off camera. What kind of work do you do (aside from the one we already know about?)
A. I work for a bank as a Customer Relations Representative

Q. Are you involved in a relationship with someone? If not, what kind of person would you like to get involved with, if any?
A. Yes, I am involved with someone at this time. I like to get involved with someone who is not only physically attractive, but who is also a man in every sense of the word, who treats me with respect, love and admiration.

Q. I know that Kristen works with many straight models; are you gay, straight, or bisexual? If you are gay or bisexual; are you out to your family? How do they take it?
A. I am gay, and yes, I am open to my family. I am very discreet and masculine, they accept it and respect me for who I am. However, they do not accept homosexuality in general.

Q. What are your goals for the future? Where would you like to see yourself 10 years from now?
A. Right now I am working in a couple of projects. One of them is getting my certification for personal trainer. I also want to get back to college to finish what I started.

Q. Greetings from the Dominican Republic, I have a few questions to ask you, but before anything else, I want to congratulate you for your performance in HOT TIMES IN LITTLE HAVANA, it was great, and very professional. Which models who you worked with in the video did you like the most (be sincere, there's always one you like better)?
A. Sincerely, I enjoyed working with all of them. Each of them is special in their own way. I have actually become friends with a couple of them, Buddy and Bruno.

Q. Do you family and friends know that you make porno videos?
A. My family does not know I did the porno film. My friends, however, are thrilled with the fact I did one! They loved the movie, and they are my biggest fans.

Q. With which models who you worked with in LITTLE HAVANA would you like to spend some time having healthy sex with off camera?
A. To be honest none of them. It was a pleasure to work with them and Kristen, but in real life my standards are high, and I go for more than just a beautiful man with a big dick or perfectly round ass.

Q. What is is like to be desired by so many men? When you go into a club, do you always get your "pick of the litter"?
A. I am thrilled to be desired! This movie has exposed me in a very "sex symbol" way, and I still get a kick out of it. When I go to the clubs, I do not always go there with the intention of "picking up" someone. I love to dance and have fun with friends, and even though I can have my pick of the litter, I'd rather not.

Q. Do you have a long time sexual fantasy? What is is, and have you ever been able to live it out?
A. I do have a long time sexual fantasy, which I will not reveal. My sexual fantasies are very personal, and I do not share them with just anyone. Maybe if we meet, I can to whisper some of my fantasies in your ear!

Q. What would be your idea of the ultimate video scene? Would it be a group scene, or a one-to-one? What kind of costar would you like?
A. I would love to do a movie with KB out in the beach, preferably in Jamaica, one to one with his Brazilian model, Joao Pauzao. He would be the ultimate costar; I think he is one of the hottest models out there.

Q. I was really blown away by all your scenes in Little Havana. But I wanted to ask you about the scene with you on a raft. Was that really shot on the high sea? What was going through your mind when you were out there all alone? It looked really incredible!
A. That scene in the raft was a riot! It was cloudy and cold, and yes, it was shot on the high sea. While I was in the raft floating, lifeguards and other boats that were around approached me. I was scared because the coast guard could have easily mistaken me for a refugee, and I had no papers with me!

Q. Julio, I though one of the hottest scenes was the one where you were sucking off five uncut muscle men in Hot Times in Little Havana. Man, when you stuck your tongue under their foreskins, that drove me wild! You sure did know what you were doing! Tell me, what was it like? Did you have as good a time as it looked?
A. Actually, that scene is one of my personal favorites, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sucking is one of my favorite things to do, and foreskin makes it even more fun!

Q. It looked like you were particularly into the big muscle flat top guy, with the fat dick. Was he your favorite from the group?
A. As a matter of fact he was; I admired his dick. It was so fat, that I'm surprised I got it all in my mouth!

Q. If that's what you do for work, what do you do for fun?
A. For fun, I enjoy the movies, and quite times at home, I also like the outdoors and night clubs; I love to go dancing.

Q. If you were featured on another video and KB gives you the choice, would you rather suck uncut or cut dicks?,
A. It doesn't really matter, I don't have a preference.

Q. Which would you prefer, sucking more, or fewer than 5 models?
A. That's quite all right too. The more the merrier!

Q. Would you prefer models more hung than the ones you had?
A. Of course! Size does matter!

Q. Would you try to achieve a 'triple oral' (sucking 3 dicks at once)?
A. I am open to that, although I have never done it. But it's a good idea!

Q. Would you try to 'deep throat' everyone (one by one)?
A. Now, that would be very hot!

Q. Would you want all the models to suck you too?
A. For the love of god, yeeeeees!!

Q. A while back in the BBS forum, Kristen mentioned that you didn't want make more videos. Is that still true, or are you just taking a break?
A. I will be working with Kristen again in the future, he is a professional and I would not work with anyone but him. But, right now I am going through some personal problems and that prevent me from making more movies for now.

Q. What are your plans for the future?
A. Right now I have many plans; one of them is to be a certified trainer, and another is to find the man of my dreams.

Q. I'm sure I'm not the only guy who wants to MORE of you in videos to come!
A. Thank you, and you will see more of me in the future. Just right now, I can't continue doing porn.

Q. I think you are one of the hottest guys I've ever seen on video..., or anywhere for that matter! Thank you for sharing your beauty with us. You are one hot man! I hope to see you in more videos soon!
A. Thank you for your words; this is where I should thank my mom and my dad for my good features, and Kristen Bjorn for bringing out the best in me.

Q. What was it like filming in Cuba? Did you like it?
A. Filming in Cuba was amazing, I loved it. It was sad and heartbreaking to see all the problems there, but everything was so beautiful.

Q. What was your favorite scene in Little Havana? You looked like you were really into both.
A. My favorite scene in Little Havana was when I had to suck off the 5 guys in order to get my lost lover's address.

Q. In real life, what kind of man do you like? Do you prefer other Latins over All-American types?
A. I don't have a preference between Latinos and Americans. Every nationality is very special, and the beauty of a man, inside and out, should be admired no matter what his ethnic background is.

Q. If you you know someone who fills requirements to participate in a KB video (well hung, good looking, uncut, etc.), would you recommend that he contact Kristen?
A. By now I know what Kristen Bjorn is looking for in a model, and if I see someone who has the qualities of a KB model, I would strongly recommend it to him.

Q. Personally, if it was up to you, would you prefer to participate in group scenes (4 or more guys), in in a two-way?
A. I don't have a preference. When I work, I am open to Kristen's imagination and direction.

Q. Does it worry you to work in scenes with other models who are much more hung than you, even when you're the "bottom"?
A. No, it really doesn't matter. It's work, and you try to perform to the best of your ability.

Q. What did you find interesting about working with Kristen Bjorn, and the filming of "LITTLE HAVANA?
A. I found it interesting to work in a foreign country, and to work with a man like KB; he is very professional, and he brings out the best in me.

Q. Would you do a video with women, or a bisexual video?
A. No, I wouldn't work with women.

Q. First off, let me tell you how incredible and sexy you are. I love the way you show sensuality, masculinity, and tenderness without even trying. Whenever I have a bad day, I just put on Hot Times in Little Havana, and imagine that I'm in another world... Moreover, of course, you're there too! What is the funniest thing that happened to you while you were filming Little Havana?
A. When I was filming with my costar Buddy Jones; he has the tendency to laugh when he cums. After he did that a couple times, I couldn't help but laugh with him! He is really cute.

Q. I know that you were playing a role in the video, but I am curious about what you are really like. Are you a quiet, stay home type, or are you a big time party boy? What are your interests and hobbies?
A. I am quiet and love spending time at home with friends. On the other hand, I love to party, and wherever there's is a party, I'll be there! I also love going out with friends, and having good times outdoors with people I love.

Q. How would you best describe yourself to us, your fans, who love you and want to know more about you?
A. That I am a simple man who only tries to make the world a better place for myself and others around me. I am a spiritual person with values, who would not harm any one's feelings, and who respects other people's opinions and differences.