Paulão Do Picão Interview / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

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Interview with: Paulão Do Picão

Paulão Do Picão

Q. In which year were you born and under which Star Sign? Are you typical of that sign?
A. I was born in 1973, and I'm Aries. Yes, I'm a typical Aries, because I'm calm and easy going like an Aries.

Q. What job do you do when not filming porn, and how did you start in porn? Does your family know of your work?
A. I work as a security guard and body guard. I was at the beach one day, and a guy asked me to take some photos for a website. After that, I started making internet videos. And later on, an agent of Kristen's in Rio interviewed me. My family doesn't know anything about that work.

Q. What item of clothing turns you on most on you? And what items on another guy?
A. For me to wear, a swim suit. Because, you can see my whole body that way. On another guy, a tight pair of jeans, and a white T-shirt.

Q. Which film star (male) would you most like to fuck and which would you most like to be fucked by?
A. I'd like to fuck Arnold Swartznegger. As for getting fucked, I'd choose Will Smith.

Q. What underwear do you wear: daytime, on a date, and in bed?
A. During the day, I wear black boxers, for a date I wear white ones. And in bed, I like to be naked.

Q. Hi Paulao. I love your muscular body and your dark skin. You are so sexy! How often do you masturbate?
A. Thanks! I masturbate almost daily. When I watch a porn video late at night, I can't help from jacking off!

Q. Hey Paulao, you were great in Parashooters. Tell me, do you like to have that beautiful butt eaten? Can you tell me about the first time a guy ate your butt?
A. Yes, actually that's what I enjoy the most! Once I met a guy on the beach, and we went to his house. He put on a porn video, and one thing led to another. It was kind of strange. I didn't know if I should let him do that or not. But I did, and it was a great experience.

Q. When was the first time you were with another guy? Did you enjoy it?
A. I was just 18 years old, and I didn't enjoy it. It was in a sauna, I didn't know the guy. He was very aggressive and rough with me. I never saw him again.

Q. Hi, I loved your scene in PARASHOOTER. You and Max Veneziano were real hot together. What was it like fondling & sucking him when he was stuck in the tree? What did it feel like fucking such a hunk?
A. It was incredible, it was like I was flying in the parachute with Max. Fucking Max was great! Since we're similar sizes, it was easier to get into different positions with him. It was really exciting!

Q. Which did you prefer - Max Veneziano or Henrik Toth?
A. I liked Max more. He's more my kind of man; tall and muscular.

Q. How difficult was it working with guys who don't speak Portuguese?
A. The first day was hard, but by the end of the week we were together, we learned to speak to each other through gestures. Also, Sergio Castillo speaks Spanish, and Max speaks Italian. Both are close enough to Portuguese so we could understand each other more or less.

Q. In PARASHOOTER, was that the first time you've fucked a guy? If not, how did it happen, and what was it like?
A. No it wasn't the first time I fucked a guy. The first time was when I was making an internet video. I was nervous, and couldn't concentrate; there were so many people and lights in the studio. And the other guy wasn't my type, which made it even more difficult. But the director was patient with me, and it worked out OK in the end.

Q. Have you ever been fucked? If so what happened & did you enjoy it?
A. I've been fucked few times, but I prefer to be a top.

Q. Will we see you being fucked in a future Kristen Bjorn flick?
A. Not yet, you'll have to wait a bit longer! I only like to get fucked in private.

Q. Who's your favorite porn star that you've worked with, and who would you most like to work with?
A. My favorite was Max, and I'd love to work with him again.

Q. If you were to direct yourself in a scene, what would you do / have done to you? Looking forward to seeing your sensational body & smile in another flick real soon!
A. If I could, I'd have 6 guys, all tall and muscular, with tattoos. I'd put them each on all fours, and fuck them all, one after the other. Then I'd make one of them suck my dick, another lick my ass, and the rest rub their dicks on me! At the end, all six would cum on top of me!

Q. Hi, What is your favorite food, drink, hobby & colour?
A. Grilled Chicken breast. Coca Cola. Listening to very load music. Blue.

Q. What were the best and worst things about filming PARASHOOTER
A. The best things were the place we were in, which was very beautiful. The food was very good, and the other actors worked well together, everything worked out great. The worst part was that after each shoot it rained (it was rainy season), at night we couldn't go anywhere because we had to get up very early. It was like being isolated from the world.

Q. What is your favorite part of your body and what is your least favorite (surely nothing!)?
A. My favorite body parts are my arms and biceps. They're big, and they grow easily. And my least favorite are my calves because they're long and difficult to develop.

Q. Where are you from in Brazil and what swimwear do you wear on the beach?
A. I'm from Rio de Janeiro. I like to use a large, tight lycra swimsuit.

Q. I am so much into ass and would wonder if I can convince you to do a bottom role. If there are any films in the past that you were bottom, please let me know.
A. No, sorry. That's something that's very intimate for me.

Q. Have you tried any ass toys before? Which one(s) do you like the most?
A. No, I don't like those kinds of toys! (laughter).

Q. Hi I'm from Asia. I like black men. You are one of a kind that is so perfect for me. How big is your dick? Have you ever had sex with Asians? If so, you were top or bottom?
A. My dick is 10 inches (21 cm). No, I have never had the pleasure of having sex with an Asian.

Q. If you could have dinner and an evening of conversation with anyone who has ever lived, who would it be and why?
A. Alexander the Great. I admire him; he was able to conquer a lot in a short time.

Q. Have you been traveling a lot? What is your favourite country?
A. No, I haven't traveled a lot. My favorite country is Spain.

Q. What is your favorite sex position?
A. Doggie style.

Q. Do you escort, and will you ever visit the US?
A. No I don't. I'd like to visit the US, but I'm too busy working to go.

Q. What is it like working for Kristen Bjorn?
A. People told me that he was very demanding, and I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. But, then I saw that he was very patient with people. And in the end, it was better than I'd imagined. It was a wonderful experience.