Sergei Jordanov Interview / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

european male models european male models

Interview with: Sergei Jordanov

Sergei Jordanov

Q. Are you straight, gay or bi?
A. I'm straight.

Q. Why did you enter the porn biz?
A. Mainly for the money. It can also be interesting work.

Q. Where were you born and where do you live now?
A. I was born in Moscow, Russia. But I came to Budapest, Hungary with my parents as a child.

Q. Who fucked you for the first time in the ass?
A. It was a horrible old man who was working as a model finder for Kristen. He told me that if I didn't do it, he wouldn't find work for me. Fortunately, because of that and other reasons, Kristen won't work with him anymore.

Q. How has your image of porn changed after you got involved in the porn industry?
A. I didn't have any image about the porno industry before I started to make videos, so I can't say that it has changed. I guess the most surprising thing to me was how much work it is!

Q. Sergei, my current boyfriend and you look almost exactly alike. My question is, do you escort and do you ever come to New York?
A. No, I don't do escort work, and I have never been to New York.

Q. Hi, Idddd like to say your one great performer! Now on to my question: If you could set up an orgy, who would be in it and what positions would they and you have?
A. Thank you. I would invite friends of mine (guys and girls), and they could do whatever they wanted to. I don't have the mind of a porno film director.

Q. How did your family react to you going into the porn biz? Do many of your friends know about it?
A. I haven't told my family about it, and only my closest friends know. They think it's cool that I get to travel overseas.

Q. What is your favourite colour?
A. Green.

Q. What is your favourite Russian meal?
A. I find Russian food generally quite bad. But for a favorite dish, I would say chicken Kiev.

Q. I read in your bio that you are from Russia. Have you ever been to Canada? What places would you like to visit if you could go anywhere? What is your favourite city you have visited?
A. No, I have never been to Canada. If I could, I would like to go just about everywhere, starting with Australia and Hawaii. My favorite cities so far are Berlin, London, and Miami.

Q. I know you have done other video work. Can you briefly tell us about it? I have seen an exercise video that you did with Sasha Borov. How did you get involved in this type of work?
A. I have done a couple of videos for other foreign companies working in Hungary, but I don't know very much about them. It was Sasha who got me involved in the exercise video, he and I are pretty good friends.

Q. What do you do as a living when you are not do Kristen's or other video work?
A. Lately I have been go-go dancing in clubs in Budapest, and sometimes in other cities like Berlin, and Amsterdam.

Q. What are some of your hobbies?
A. I like working out at the gym (I hope it shows!), and I enjoy going out to night clubs. I also like cars, but I haven't been very lucky with them. My first one got stolen, and I wrecked my second one.

Q. How would you describe your personality?
A. I think I'm a fairly normal guy... Maybe a bit twisted!

Q. What do you think is your best & worst physical feature?
A. I think that my best feature is my eyes, and my worst feature is my mouth. But some people say it's just the other way around!

Q. I lived in Moscow for 6 months as part of a student exchange. I enjoyed it very much. What is the best thing about Russia that you would like everyone to know about?
A. In Hungary, most people have a strong dislike of Russia, and always speak of it in a negative way. For the most part, I think that they are right. But I still think that parts of St. Petersburg and Moscow are very beautiful.

Q. Are you a shy or aggressive guy?
A. I don't think of myself as one way or the other. Maybe I'm somewhere in the middle.

Q. Tell us something about Sergei that you wouldn't think that we (your fans) would imagine about you.
A. I bite my nails, and I don't like vegetables.

Q. When was the first time you had sex? When was the first time you had sex with another guy?
A. That depends on what you mean by having sex. I fooled around with some other boys when I was a kid, but it was just mutual masturbation, no oral or anal sex. My first complete sexual experience with a girl was when I was 18, and with another man when I was 20, which I mentioned earlier.

Q. Do you prefer to be a top or a bottom?
A. Top. I really don't like to be fucked. I can do it, but I find it very uncomfortable.

Q. I know you remove hair from your body before you do a video. Was this your choice? What parts of the body do you remove hair from?
A. When I make a video, I follow directions. Nothing about it is my choice. When I work with Kristen, he always makes sure that my balls are shaved, and that the hair in my ass is trimmed. I usually also get a haircut, and I have to shave my face every day of filming. The other companies I worked for weren't as demanding; they took me however I came.

Q. What other preparations do you have to do before filming your scenes in a sex video? Is it different if you are being fucked in the scene or doing the fucking?
A. It's very different. Everyone is made up first, but the guys getting fucked have to be douched to be sure that they are clean. And then they have to stretch their ass holes with dildos to get them ready for fucking.

Q. What do you do (or think about) to keep your cock hard during filming? I hear that you can be filming for hours and over a few days period. How do you keep hard and look like you are really into it?
A. A lot of the day is spent waiting for things to be set up, or listening to directions. It's not necessary to have an erection at those times, only when the camera is rolling. Anyway, it's easy for me to get an erection. My dick is probably hard more often then not. We always have porno magazines on the set to look at when it's necessary.

Q. Who are your favourite costars that you have worked with?
A. Kalman Faludi. He's a very funny guy.

Q. You seemed very shy in Gangsters At Large. Was this your first film for Kristen? You and Alexei seemed to be joking a lot. What is the story behind that? What were you two joking about? Alexei is very sexy as well. What were your impressions of him?
A. Yes, that was my first video. That was such a long time ago, I don't remember what Alexei and I joked about. I found him to be a very nice guy, and we got along well together.

Q. In Manwatcher you did a threesome which was really HOT! Do you prefer to do group scenes?
A. I think that it's easier to do scenes with small groups of 3 or 4 people. When there are more, than it becomes more difficult to coordinate everything.

Q. Hello Sergei, the first thing I want to say is that I think you are one of the sexiest men to ever grace a Kristen Bjorn film. How has porn changed your outlook on your own sexuality? Would you do another Kristen Bjorn film?
A. I don't think that making porno videos has changed my sexuality. I am ready to work again with Kristen whenever he wants.

Q. Do you like to get your ass sucked? I WOULD DO that for you! Do you like to get fucked after having your ass sucked? I would do that too!
A. Thank you. Why don't we make a date? We can meet each other in Moscow, at Red Square on November 11th at 9:45PM. Just don't be late!

Q. Hey Sergei, I have to ask a couple more questions. I just saw Thick As Thieves for the first time and you were incredible as always. I have seen Gangsters At Large, Manwatcher and Thick As Thieves. You were hot and sexy in all your scenes, but I noticed one thing particular about you and your scenes. You hardly talk and you seem very shy. Are you really like this? Or is it that you do not speak much English and cannot communicate very well with the others? Or maybe this is the persona you want everyone to believe is you. I think it is very sexy! Also I want to know your opinion on some of your costars. In Thick As Thieves (Buddy Jones & Marcio da Costa), in Manwatcher and Gangsters At Large.
A. I don't think of myself as a shy person, but I don't talk all the time either. I don't speak much English, so my contact with the foreign models I have worked with was very limited. Buddy Jones and Marcio da Costa seemed like nice guys, but I never was able to have a conversation with them.

Q. Sergei, of all the things that you have been asked to do for your gay sex video work what is your least favourite thing to do, and what is your favourite thing to do? Do you make it known that you will not do certain things? And if so, what are your limits?
A. My least favorite thing to do it get fucked. My favorite thing to do is get my dick sucked. I am a professional model, so I will do whatever I am told. Except for sado-maso things, or unsafe sex. I won't do that.

Q. Sergei do you get any satisfaction or joy out of being fucked by another guy or sucking another guy's dick? If not, how do you make it through filming your scenes?
A. The only thing that I really dislike about sex with other men is getting fucked. The other things like sucking or fucking (as top) aren't so bad, but it's not what really turns me on. For me, making videos is a job, not something I do to amuse myself, and I try to do it to the best of my abilities. If it seems that I am enjoying myself, that means that I have done a good job.

Q. You are just one of the most beautiful and sexy (seems everyone is thinking sexy when it comes to you) guys to ever appear on film. What do you like when you have sex with guys? Are you attracted to guys at all? Do you watch any porn on your spare time?
A. Thank you for your kind compliments. I like having my dick sucked by men; that is something they do much better than women. I find some men good looking, but I'm not really attracted to them sexually as I am to women. About porno, the only time I see it is when I am somewhere where it is being shown, and that's not very often.

Q. I just have two main things to comment/ask: first of all, congratulations, you are a very hot, enthusiastic actor, and second, I hope you don't mind telling us, what is exactly what you have on your foreskin, I noticed you have something like a tear on it, that makes you ejaculate towards one side (a third question would be what do you eat in order to squirt such enormous amounts of cum!!!).
A. Thank you. You are also very observant. I did get my foreskin caught in a zipper years ago, and the tear that you mention is a souvenir from that sad episode! I don't think that I ejaculate to the side, though. On the subject of ejaculation, I never thought that I produced more semen than average.

Q. Everyone seems to be shaved quite a bit. Are you naturally smooth? Definitely, everyone is shaved and trimmed around the dick and nuts and butt. How is it done? Did you do it or does someone else? Steel razor or electric razor? Is it done just once per film and you grow it out after? Itches that, no? I only see you hot guys in photographs and internet, no video views yet. I hope to sometime. I travel a lot; where would be the best place to run across you? the other guys? Keep it up!
A. By nature, I am not hairy. The only thing that gets shaved for video work are my balls and my face. It's always someone else who does my balls, and he uses a normal razor to shave me, and an electric razor for trimming.

Q. It's great to be able to say hello to you. I have only seen you in ManWatcher and I think you are a real hot guy. You have a beautiful body; can you tell me about your workout routine?
A. Thanks. I work out six days a week, about 90 minutes per day. I have three different workouts that I perform twice a week each; 1. Chest and shoulders, 2. Back, biceps and triceps, 3. Legs. I also do abdominals daily.

Q. Where do you live and do you have a boyfriend? What is his opinion about your movie work?
A. I live in Budapest. I have a girlfriend whom I live with, but she doesn't know about the video work.

Q. I have pics of you where you are known as Antonio. Do you have any other names?
A. I don't know which names the other studios have invented for me.

Q. What's your birthsign or birth date and how old are you?
A. I am 23 (almost 24), and my star sign is Libra.