Bruno Diaz Interview / Kristen Bjorn / HD Gay Bareback Porn

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Interview with: Bruno Diaz

Bruno Diaz

Q. I think you are one of the hottest porno stars around! Your scene in Little Havana was really INCREDIBLE! I love the way you ordered the other two guys around. Tell me, are you always that aggressive, or was that just the part you were playing? How did you start making videos?
A. Thank you very much, and I love the fact that you enjoyed watching that scene as much as I enjoyed making it. As to your first question; well, I guess when it comes to sex, I like to be the one in control both off and on the screen. And I like a bit of rough sex between men, so I would say yes, I am that aggressive. And I could be even more so! To be honest, it was funny how I got my start. I was in London, and a friend of mine told me there was a casting for Kristen Bjorn's next movie, and that he saw one of my pictures, and was interested in meeting me. So, at first I was excited and scared at the same time, but I decided to go and meet him and take it from there. So, that's what I did, and here is where I am.

Q. Of the two video you have made, which one was your favorite, and why?
A. If I had to choose, I don't know which one I would pick. I think that they are quite different from each other, and that is what I like about them. So, I will say that both are my favorites.

Q. Who was your favorite co-star? And your least favorite?
A. I don't have a favorite co-star. So far, I have been working with the sexiest and hottest men. The important thing is that they are all great people, and I had a great friendship with them all. And we still have it, but some of them live in different cities, which makes contact sporadic.

Q. Off camera, what is your sex life like? is it as torrid as in the videos? What kind of sex do you enjoy most?
A. Well, my sex life is pretty active, but I wouldn't call it torrid. I am a very sexual person. I enjoy every kind of sex, depending on my mood, and on the company, of course. But to be more specific; I love steamy, hot, long lasting sex sessions.

Q. I've got to tell you that you were the hottest guy in "Hot Times in Little Havana". I wanted to know where are you originally from and how was it working on the film? Are you planning to do any films as a bottom? Also tell us more about your friendship with Marcio da Costa, who is another hunk, I must say!
A. Thank you very much for the compliment. I am half Spaniard, and half Arab; my father is from Lebanon, and my mother is from Seville, Spain. I was born and raised in Madrid. Working on Kristen's movies has been a great experience for me physically and mentally. And it will be good story to tell my grandchildren one day! About the bottom thing, that's something that Kristen would love to see me do. We are discussing it at the moment, so I guess if I do it, it will be a surprise. But of course, if I decide to do it, I want it all the way inside me! Pumped and hard, just for me!! Marcio is a great and hot man, besides a wonderful friend. We have shared good and bad times together... I really love that sexy, Latino stud.

Q. I find you really hot, and your masculine presence is a real turn on! But, are you always just a top? I would really love to see you get flipped over, and see that tight butt of yours get fucked, at least once! Do you think we might see that sometime?
A. Hey..., woah! Have I always been a top? In movies, or in real life? Keep watching Kristen's movies, and one day you will get a nice surprise... Who knows?

Q. Hi from Greece!.... you know that you are very famous here in Europe! Do you like making love with a hot Latin type man or do you prefer blond men? Would you like to make love, in real life, with 3 guys?
A. No, I didn't know that I was famous over there, but it's nice to know. When you ask me about "making love", I would say that when I make love, it's because I am IN love, and it doesn't have anything to do with ethnic groups, but with the person. But if you're just talking about sex, I don't care if the guy is Latin or white, as long as he is what I'm looking looking for at that moment. And about three ways..., why not? In Spain we say, "Donde comen dos, comen tres." (Wherever two can eat, three can eat as well).

Q. I wanted to know whether you were gay, bi, or straight? Does your family and friends know that you work in porn? Do you fool around with your film costars after work?
A. Well, let's say I feel more comfortable having sex with men, so I guess that makes me gay, right? About my family and friends, this is something that I never talked to them about about, but our relationship is great. No, I don't have sex with the costars after work... or I do? I've forgotten already. I'm getting older, you know!

Q. What are some of your interests outside of making videos? What's your idea of a good time?
A. I have many interest besides the movies, it depends on the day. Then, I feel like doing this, or that. As I said, it depends. But let me tell you, doing porn is not an interest of mine, it is my work. I have many ideas about what "a good time" would be for me, but let me ask you something; do you think that you have any which might be of interest to me?

Q. How long would you like to continue in the porno business?
A. I don't know really at the moment. I feel comfortable doing them now, but I can't say what will I feel tomorrow.

Q. I think you're extremely hot! I loved your scenes in Little Havana and Thieves. What was it like to make your first video? was it anything like what you had expected?
A. Interesting question. Well, my first movie was: fun, difficult, and also tiring. Let me tell you something that not many people know; we shot the boat scene the last day of the production in Ft. Lauderdale, and it was freezing that day! The next day, I got sick for nearly a week! So, just imagine ... But I must have liked it because I did the second one, right?

Q. What kind of men are you most attracted to? What are your views on circumcision? Do you prefer cut or uncut dicks?
A. I don't have a prince charming anymore, or at least not at the moment. I like a man who's a real MAN! To be honest, I don't think about the circumcision stuff. I don't mind either way. I am an easy going guy, but difficult to please though!

Q. Can you tell us about your family life? Do you have brothers and sisters? How do you get along with your family?
A. I do not like to talk about my family, but yes, I have 2 brothers two sisters, and wonderful parents. Our relationship is so good that we seem like more friends than family.

Q. Just out of curiosity, what would you do if you had a million dollars? What would you do to get a million dollars?
A. Hey, I've have seen that movie too! I am not materialistic at all, so I don't know what I would do because I have never thought about it. But give it to me, and I tell you what I did later later! What would I do to get a million dollars? I don't know ... Are you offering me something?

Q. From your accent, it's obvious that you're from Spain. What city are you from, and do you still live there? How is gay life in Spain, and how does it compare to gay life in the USA? In what country do you think the hottest men are?
A. The gay life is different in many ways, but I guess in every city we all look for the same thing ultimately; the perfect man. I have seen a lot of good looking men in my travels around the world. I guess in America I find more variety, which I love, but I will never forget my trip to Turkey... Never, ever!

Q. Have you traveled throughout the world? If so, where have you been? What is your ideal man like? Also are you well-known in Spain because of your films? Do you have any fantasies you would like to fulfill?
A. I love your questions! * Yes, indeed if there is something I am proud of, it's of having had the opportunity to travel and to have lived in some great cities. I have been all over Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and some of Africa; Morocco and South Africa. And I've been to many cities in the US... Oh boy, I love travel! * I lived in Barcelona one year, Paris three years, Amsterdam six months, and London 3 1/2 years. And now I am living part time between America and Madrid. * My ideal man would be just that... ideal! * In Madrid I am known in gay circles, because who doesn't know and buy Kristen Bjorn movies? * One of my fantasies would be.., I have so many..., to live in Sydney, Australia. Another one would be to finish my career. And another, and of course, would be to fall in love and feel loved at the same time.

Q. How would you advise a close friend of yours who wanted to make porno videos?
A. Well, I believe that everybody has to do and choose what he thinks is best for him, so instead of advising, I would offer him my support and help, whatever he might decide to do.

Q. What do is the best thing about making porno videos? What is the worst thing?
A. So far I only have had good experiences within the porno industry. Maybe the worst thing would be when I go out to clubs or dinner, gay people sometimes forget that on my free time, I am not Bruno Diaz the porno actor, I am a person like them who wants to enjoy himself, and be left alone.

Q. I find you an incredibly sexy Man (with a capital M!). Can you tell us about your excersise routine? Do you use steroids?
A. My routine is very simple; I workout 5 times per week, and I do the normal things. I care a lot about my diet... But to be honest, I love junk food, especially sweets! But I have to recognize that I have good genetics for bodybuilding. And about the second question, I can't give away any secrets. Those are the little tricks that make me special. It's like a secret recipe that you can't give out

Q. Can you tell us something about yourself that we would normally never know?
A. When it comes to love, I am very romantic and possessive. What is mine is mine, and nobody else's! Also, I love the science of psychology. Another of my favorite things is music, especially opera. The duet of the flowers / Delives is my favorite. And Maria Callas, wow! She is my diva!

Q. Have you ever been in a relationship? What do you look for in a relationship?
A. Yep, I am what you would call a relationship person. I have been in 2 relationships for almost 7 years. The first one lasted 3 years, and the second almost 4. Both were closed relationships, believe it or not! But now that it's all over, I am quite happy about it. I'm not closed to anything. I don't look for anything in particular, I just wait and see who knocks at my door.

Q. What do you think is your best feature? What is your worst?
A. I used to hate my lips and nose, but I found out that those are some of the things that people like most about me. Over the years, I learned to love, respect and accept myself the way I am. So now I am pretty comfortable in my own skin.

Q. What's your favorite sexual act? How often do you have sex?
A. I have no limits. I love and enjoy sex in every aspect, so I don't have a favorite position or act. I am very sexual, so I need sex almost everyday and sometimes twice a day, if the person really turns me on.