Christopher Collins Interview / Bareback Porn

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Interview with: Christopher Collins

Christopher Collins

Q. I'm curious about your first male sex experience, and have you ever been fucked?
A. My first male sex experience was actually the same week as my first female sex one (what a week that was!), back when I was 18. The male one was with my best friend. We'd been out drinking and he stayed at my place. I had a bunk bed, but he said he was too tired to sleep on top, so we got into the same bed. Well one thing led to another and I learned a few new tricks that night. Actually he was the initiator, I just enjoyed everything he did to me so much that I did the same to him (and I enjoyed that too). Funnily enough we never talked about it the next day, as everything was just as if it had never happened. We had a "repeat performance" several months later (in somebody's garden) and again it was never mentioned. Then he became straight and now has a family, but I guess he left a few marks on me!

Q. Christopher, Were in the UK are you from? How long have you lived in the States?
A. I originally come from the East Midlands in UK, but haven't lived there since I was 18 years old. I spend some time each year in USA, but don't actually live there. Now I live in Hungary (and have done for 12 years now).

Q. How did you come to work for Kristen as a production assistant?
A. I actually met Kristen when he was working in Budapest, but never knew who he really was (he told me he was making cultural videos in the Hungarian countryside - and I believed him!). Later my ex-boyfriend and I sent some photos to him for modeling, and he offered me a job in USA as interpreter and looking after the models. We had quite a good laugh when we figured out we had already met! There I helped out on production, doing the lighting, and basically one thing led to another and now I'm his assistant.

Q. Are you planning on starring in anymore films?
A. Well, I can envisage myself more behind the camera in the future, but if Kristen ever needed me to be a model again, I would certainly give it another try, cos it really is hot stuff! To be good behind the camera, I think you really have to understand what it is like on the other side, too.

Q. Great performance in THE ISLE OF MEN. If I read a thread correctly, your role in the video began in the mode of "pinch hitting" to help KB. Tell us, exactly how did you come to be in front of the camera, did you enjoy the experience and do you intend to do another video? You were in two group scenes - does art imitate life? Still working for KB?
A. While I was PA for him in Isle of Men, Kristen asked me if I'd like a part in the film, as somebody had dropped out. It didn't take me long to say yes. Actually plans changed every day regarding my role, but finally I ended up on top! I did enjoy being on the other side of the camera for a change and to experience that. After working on several productions I knew more or less what to expect, and wasn't disappointed! It's not often you have the chance to join in the sex for 4 days nonstop with some of the hottest guys on the planet rather than just watching them.

Q. Hi Christopher, What is your Star Sign & in which year were you born?
A. I was born in May, 1967. I'm a Taurus (and a very typical one at that).

Q. Hi Christopher, I think you're incredibly hot. How do you keep in such magnificent shape? I hope we'll have the pleasure of seeing you in many more videos.
A. Thank you for the compliment! Most of my spare time is taken up with sports, so I go the gym twice a week for weights, twice a week for 120 minutes of very intense box-step-aerobics, and play tennis, basketball, go running, swimming whenever I can, although in the Hungarian swimming pools I spend more time in the showers looking at all the hot guys than actually swimming.

Q. I loved your scene in THE ISLE OF MEN - great body and great dick. Are you exclusively a top? Nice to see a more "mature" man as opposed to the "twinks." Your age? Attached?
A. Thanks. The scene was enjoyable, although it was pretty HARD work. In my private life I'm 80% top, 20% bottom, and I don't believe that sex should just consist of anal action. I'm very oral and can get off very well with other things too, rimming etc. My tight butt is something I only share with very special people, but then I enjoy it immensely. I am turned on by mature men, not really by twinks, so I guess that is why I am similar! Currently I'm unattached, but my eyes are always open. Got any suggestions?

Q. Since you were in 2 scenes in the video - which one did you enjoy more and was the tub scene and positioning difficult? Hope you do another video.
A. The tub scene started off really well, but we had problems with the draining, and the water turned really cold (after we'd been there for 4 hours), but with such hot guys I didn't really notice! I actually preferred doing the double fuck scene, cos I felt I was far more in control there, and the two guys (especially Mario De Lazarius) really turned me on.

Q. Having worked behind Kristen Bjorn's camera, did you enjoy being in front of it in THE ISLE OF MEN? Which do you prefer, being behind or in front of the camera?
A. To be a complete person you have to try both! I never thought I would be good enough to be a KB model, so was very gratified when I had the chance. It's great to star with some of the hottest men around. My exhibitionist side prefers to be in front, but I think I'm better behind (and I don't just mean the camera here).

Q. Since you work for Kristen in the video industry you must meet some of the men he puts in front of the camera. Have you ever hooked up with any of the models? Or hooked up with a model from THE ISLE OF MEN?
A. Well one of the tricks of the trade is that we use each other to get hard. I guess we could call this the perks of the job! I have hooked several times with guys after production on a more serious level. After such intense and intimate work together it is inevitable sometimes.

Q. Hey - what is your type of man, and what would represent an ideal, sexy, sexual evening?
A. My ideal type of man as boyfriend and sex fiend are two very different things. I'm mot usually attracted to the typically great-looking men. They have to have some imperfections. For a sex thing physically they should be mature (28-40 years old), muscular (but not bodybuilder), straight acting, have bad boy attitude and of course a big, thick dick never goes amiss. I find black men and Latinos especially exotic! For a boyfriend, the personal side is more important. It has to be someone I really enjoy spending time with, someone with similar hobbies, attitudes and humour, someone I can trust and be honest with , and most of all someone I can cuddle up to at night. I love adoring and being adored, (but then again who doesn't) My ideal sexy sexual evening would be a combination of these two. Me and my boyfriend after a very sensual day meeting another really hot guy, having uninhibited sex in dangerous places, before ending up in bed to continue it all exploiting all combinations possible.

Q. From what I understand you are a Brit - So how have your travels brought you to KB? Tell us something about yourself and the world of video - training, interest, expertise, etc.
A. Most of the answer for this can be found earlier I the interview! As for training I'm learning with Kristen (one of the best - if not the best - directors in the world), who is not only a great director, but a great boss, teacher and friend, too. This, coupled with my own vivid imagination, should be good training for the future.

Q. What was your most exciting sexual experience before making a KB video, and who was it with?
A. My most exciting sexual experience was the first time I ever spent a night on Hampstead Heath one summer long ago in London. Now that was an eye opener! A close second was the first time I had anal sex, but I am not going to share all my secrets with you guys!

Q. Since so many of the questions are sex related lets go a different route. What do you do for fun? What activities take your interest and fancy? What's the last good book you read and the last good movie you saw? So - describe a fun filled day / evening.
A. For fun.. Well my hobbies are sport and traveling, but to relax I also really enjoy meeting friends, getting away from it all at weekends, and just spending quality time with quality people. I don't have much time for reading, but enjoy the cinema. All About My Mother (Almodovar) is the best film in recent years! A fun filled day.. a bit of work, a bit of socializing, some sport, all interspersed with lots of good sex!

Q. Since you have made a mark in your first video - this was your first video? - how does it feel to be the object of lust? Do you get recognized and, if so, how do you respond to this attention? Are you single? Playing the field? KB has mentioned that he and his lover have been at so called sex parties - ever attend one yourself? If you have what makes such a party stimulating for you?
A. I don't know if I left my mark on THE ISLE OF MEN video as much as certain others, so even now I don't feel I am an object of lust (correct me if not true). Once or twice I was recognized and paid compliments on gaydar, though. Currently I'm single and playing the field a bit, but I am more of a relationship person (with very high expectations), so my eyes are always open.

Q. Being British yourself, how do you rate your fellow countrymen as lovers?
A. I've had great sex with English guys, but the best thing in London is that it's so cosmopolitan, so you can find just about anything you want.

Q. Have you ever attempted being double-fucked, or have you ever double-fucked someone in a threesome?
A. On one really hot evening (I don't mean temperature here), I did a double penetration. Otherwise I've had taken part in double fucking several times. My favourite position was of course being squashed in the middle. I even did it once with models after the last day of production, but I won't give away any names!

Q. Have you visited Bali? I bet you will like it very much. It's such a beautiful island. If you haven't, why don't you go there? I'll be waiting for you.
A. I've never been to that part of the world, but for the last 3 years I've been planning to come to Indonesia, so I hope I make it before long! Will you be able to accommodate me? Show me around?

Q. What's the best thing that ever happened to you?
A. The best thing that ever happened to me was being skewered on the end of a 10" dick for an hour.

Q. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you?
A. The worst thing was the first 10 seconds of that hour!

Q. Do your friends and family know about your video work? If not, what do you think their reaction would be?
A. A couple of friends know, my family doesn't! I think it would certainly raise a few eyebrows if they found out! Maybe it would raise some other things, too, knowing some of my friends!

Q. Are you University educated? If so, what is your degree in and have you worked in that field? Your family - brothers / sisters? Who knows of your career and your video? Any reactions? Simply put, "flesh out" the story / profile and let us view / read something more than one word answers. Thanks.
A. I did go to university, in England. I did the best degree in the world - European studies- spending 3 years in UK, one year abroad in Germany (where I started coming out). We learned languages and I specialized in history and politics! I never used my degree directly, but have been teaching English in Hungary on and off for 10 years now. The video work is currently just a hobby, but I may well get more involved in the future.

Q. Have you ever been in a long term relationship? Are you presently in a relationship, or would you like to be?
A. I've had a couple of long-term relationships. The longest ended last year. I spent a very intense seven years with Arpad Miklos! We actually finished during the making of THE ISLE OF MEN, but the reasons were not connected to the video production! I'm not in a serious relationship at the moment, but I just met a guy in our latest production, who I am very interested in, so we'll see what happens there. I won't give any more information now, cos that would be telling, wouldn't it?

Q. If you were in a relationship, would you prefer to have a monogamous one, or an open one?
A. I would like to have an open monogamous relationship. This means a healthy sexual relationship with my partner, but spiced up from time to time with extra very hot partners for some variety, but then always together.

Q. Have you traveled much? What are some of your favorite places and countries?
A. I've traveled extensively through Europe, USA and been to many Arab countries (I'm fascinated by their culture). Egypt was my favourite, but Iran was cool too. I have never been to South America, but definitely will some time. Oh. all those hot, good-looking Latino men!

Q. What is the experience of working as a production assistant for Kristen Bjorn like?
A. It's very intense. If you are not afraid of working hard, enduring all the difficult parts, getting your hands dirty, then it is very rewarding, too. You meet great people, spend time in great locations, have a lot of laughs along the way. He's a great boss to have. As I mentioned earlier, a great boss, teacher and friend, too

Q. Since you obviously had the opportunity to meet all of the performers in THE ISLE OF MEN, who were amongst your favourites, and why? Who were amongst your least favourites? Have you seen any of them since working together?
A. I didn't really have any less favorites. They really were all great during this production, as opposed to earlier work. I did single out a few favorites, though, who there was really that special chemistry with. Juan Jimenez, Mario De Lazarius, and Ivan Andros were the ones I really liked and kept in touch with regularly. We have all met since then, had dirty and clean weekends together. Also I'm still good friends with Arpad Miklos

Q. How do you envision your life 10 years in the future? How would you like it to be?
A. Just watch me! I'd like to get involved in all aspects porno video production work. Who knows, maybe I'll be the next Kristen Bjorn! Well you have to set your aims high! I'd like to be involved in this kind of work, but not 52 weeks a year. It would be great to keep in touch with the normal world, too.