Forum - carnaval in rio - / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

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carnaval in rio
20/05/13 07:28:38


I just want to say thank you for creating the astounding first scene in Carnaval in Rio.

This is my all-time favorite gay porn scene!!! Those 3 men are the most beautiful i have

ever seen! Their handsome faces and fantastic bodies blow my mind. I especially

focus on their legs when i watch. The one scene where the smaller of the three is fucking

Sergio is beyond belief(great shot of their toned legs). Also, just before that is great too

when the 2 are exploring Sergio's ass with their tongues.

I just had to make my feelings known about this and would love to see more of the same.

Most sincere thanks again,


Name: mark
Answer num: 1
24/05/13 17:44:34

I'm glad you enjoy it. As you probably know, Carnaval In Rio was my first hardcore film, and it was shot it 1988. Over the years, I've tried in every way possible to improve my films... I hope you enjoy the newer films at least as much as the first one!

Name: Kristen
Answer num: 2
08/07/13 17:54:17

Yes. I am a devoted fan of all your films! I suppose Carnaval in Rio will always hold

a special place for me because it introduced me to your fantastic work!  I know that you

are open to thoughts/suggestions for new films so here are some from me:

I would love to see you create a scene featuring a small group of lean handsome

men wearing only speedo bikinis working out, lifting weights,etc. in a gym as the prelude

to an orgy.  Also, would like to see a small group of men in a church sanctuary, wearing

only bikinis (all alike) and crucifixes engaged in an intense orgy.  And would love to see more

military videos with the models wearing only their belts!

Thanks for the forum.

Name: Mark
Answer num: 3
12/07/13 04:30:36

In the upcoming STRANGERS IN PRAGUE, scene 4, you almost get your wish about the gym orgy. However, they are wearing gym shorts instead of swim suits.

As for the church, that would be a difficult location to arrange.

Regarding the military scenes, I have shot this sort of scene before. The models start off in uniform, and gradually end up wearing with only boots, belts, and somtimes military hats or helmets. Is that what you want to see more of?

Name: Kristen