Juan Jimenez Interview / Kristen Bjorn / Bareback Porn

european male models european male models

Interview with: Juan Jimenez

Juan Jimenez

Q. Hello Juan! It is really great to finally get to send a message to you. You are one of my favorite KB models. I have probably five favorites, but you are definitely at the top. You have one of the most complete, most beautiful bodies that I have ever previewed. In short, you are incredible! Would it be possible to speak with you over the phone? If you e-mail me I will gladly respond. Take care my friend.
A. Many thanks for your kind compliments. I'm glad that to know that this first video I made with Kristen has found a fan. I like pornography a lot, and of course I have already made another video for Kristen which will be available later this year. If you would like follow my footsteps in the art of pornography, you can do so at Kristen's website.

Q. I believe you have the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. I am a top, but man, would I love to get hold of that. Your cock isn't the only thing that is beautiful, you present the whole package; great face, nice bod, and ass. You were great in THE ISLE OF MEN, I cannot get enough of you, and some of the other guys that were cast for this film. I think this is by far the best porn out there. Keep up the great work. Men like yourself are what keep us guys at home satisfied. Do you have a boyfriend?
A. Well, it's true that THE ISLE OF MEN is best video I've made. As you know, in all of Kristen's films the models are carefully selected, and we always manage to create some great footage to excite people like you... And ourselves too! As far as sex goes, I like top men a lot more than bottoms, for the simple reason that we tend to be better hung. As for the rest of my body, I'm still young, but I hope to maintain my build for at least another 10 years. And about boyfriends, I don't have one at the moment, but I do hope to find one. So, maybe you'll get lucky!

Q. Hola Juan. Man, you're so hot! First of all, congratulations for your work. I'm a 37 year old hot "madrileo" (from Madrid), who works out very hard at the gym and is considering getting into porn. What made you want to have sex in front of the cameras? What was the impact of it in your daily life? Was it a one-time experience, or are you considering staying involved in the industry? Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You're fantastic man! Thanks for raising Spain's pavilion so high!
A. Well madrileo, as a Spaniard, you know how uptight our society can be... However, I've never been prudish about sex. In fact, I intend to continue making more videos as long as I'm in good shape. I'm 10 years younger than you, but in this profession, as long as you have the necessary qualities which are required, age doesn't matter. So, if you're thinking about trying to make a video, why don't you send your photos to Kristen? Sex in front of the camera, and sex in private are two completely different things. But doing it in front of the camera is interesting and exciting for me. And in my private life, the videos have made no impact, because there's an infinite number of other people who make videos as well. And once you start making videos, it all seems more normal.

Q. Do you like to wear thongs at all? If so, do you wear them on a regular basis or at the beach? I'd love to see Kristen do a film where all the models wore thongs!
A. In my entire life I have never worn a thong. Not because I don't find them sexy, but because they're uncomfortable. I'll leave the thongs to strippers and exhibitionists on the beach.

Q. What is your work in real life? Where do you live? How did you get contact with Kristen?
A. At this time I live in Barcelona. After living two years in London, and working as a bodyguard, I decided to return to my native Spain. I don't have a steady job, but my body has granted me many advantages in this hard life. And thanks to certain contacts, I had the opportunity to work with Kristen, and shoot videos with him. I'm very proud of my work with Kristen, and have no regrets about it.

Q. What is your Star Sign & in which year were you born?
A. I was born in 1973, and I am a Gemini They say that Geminis are two faced... But in fact I don't have two faces, but one hundred of them!

Q. Hi Juan, if you were to fuck one of the following celebrities (Ricky Martin, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas), who would it be, why and how would you like to do it?
A. I would fuck Ricky Martin, because he's the most attractive of the three, he moves very well, and also because he's a millionaire.

Q. When I first saw you in Barcelona Bound I was in awe. You have the look, the passion, the package, and the intensity. I must have played your scene over and over. It was really hot. Then came your performance in THE ISLE OF MEN, another great job. Can you tell us about your first sexual experience? Was it with a girl or with a guy? How was it like with the guy? What turns you on? I noticed you like nipple play. Is there other things that turns you on? You're one awesome guy!
A. My first sexual experience was with a priest when I was 18. He showed me some gay porno magazines, which I had never seen before. Of course my dick got hard, and he sucked me off. But I didn't cum that time. But for me, men and women are equal as sexual partners. As far as my nipples go, I don't actually enjoy playing with them at all. I have done it in videos at the director's request. What does turn me on are men in sports clothes... with no underwear on underneath!

Q. What's your favorite sexual fantasy?
A. One of them is to go to camping by a river, and to get lost in the woods. Then a forest ranger finds me. Or another one is where I get robbed by a couple of crooks. Another one I have is about hitchhiking on a distant, vacant highway, and I get picked up by a guy who forces me to have sex with him in exchange of a ride.

Q. Your body looks so good. How do you stay in shape? And how often do you workout? What's your favorite body part?
A. My favorite body parts are the hands and the mouth. I stay in shape with a routine of one hour at the gym, five days per week. I'm lucky to keep myself this way, because I don't always tick to a strict diet.

Q. How often do you travel to the US? You are the "bomb" and I would love to play tag football with you!
A. I have never been in the USA, but I'd be happy to play tag football with you.

Q. Juan, I am a Greek guy and just wanted to congratulate you on your excellent physique and probably the best looking cock in gay films I have ever seen... This comes from a top guy, so its extra compliment. I Love the views of your cock from beneath, it's excellent work! In real life do you also love other hung men? Hey if you ever make to Greece, let's form a hung men club. Kisses.
A. I do like well hung men, although as a top I have never been able to find a well hung guy to fuck. I've never been to Greece, but I have some friends in Athens. Are you from there? If so, perhaps one day we will run into each other, as I do have plans to visit there one day soon. As for the underneath takes, you can only seen them in Kristen's videos... He films from all angles so that no one misses a single detail!

Q. What are your physique measurements including dick size and shoe size?
A. My measurements vary a lot, because I'm growing more muscular. As for my shoes, they're size 9 (42 European). But if you what you really want to know how big someone's dick is, you can tell by his thumbs, not his feet!

Q. Do you usually wear underwear under your trousers, and if so what kind? You seem like a real personable guy from your videos and facial expressions.
A. I wear tight black Calvin Klein briefs. And my facial expressions are yet another facet of my personality. As far as being personable, I'm not that way with everyone. Depending on how I'm treated, I respond appropriately. But I tend to be trusting towards people in general.

Q. What do you think of bondage films? Have you ever had interested to act in this kind of film? I think you would be sexier tied up in whatever position, with your real sweat dripping from all over your body! Just think! Someone is beside you ... turning you on.. touching your body! And wow, it is great! This is my idea... Well, why don't you try it?
A. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm really not into fetishes at all. On the other hand, I have thought about seeing other people in that position you mentioned!

Q. What kind of guys really turns you on.
A. I'm turned on by straight guys, who want me to be in 3-ways with them and their girlfriends. I also like to rent straight guys as well, and fuck them.

Q. Have you ever been fucked?
A. That's a rather personal question, no? Keep watching my videos... You never know when it might happen!

Q. What do you like to do in your spare time?
A. Travel, travel, travel... I love to see the world, which is very large!

Q. Hi Juan. I believe you're Spanish, I am too. I consider you to be a really attractive model. I especially like your body, because I'm very attracted to muscular models. I think that you're under contract with Studio 2000... What is the reason you don't continue with Kristen? I suppose it's money, because this other studio makes more videos. But you have left (at least temporarily) Kristen, whose studio I think is the best one in gay porno. Why didn't you sign up with another studio of higher quality? I think that Falcon, or even Titan (at times) make much better videos than those of Studio 2000. I would have liked to see you always working with Kristen, but if that isn't possible, at least try to go to Falcon... They are the only other ones who (once in a while) make a good video (along with a bunch of horrible ones, of course). That's all. Good luck in America, and continue as handsome as you are now!
A. Yes, I have a contract with Studio 2000, but it's ending now. As you know, pornography is an art, and we know what the competition is like. By that, I mean that from now on I will only accept offers which are better artistically rather than economically. So, I won't continue to disappoint you. That's my future.

Q. How big is your dick
A. Length or width?

Q. Your performance in Isle of Men was incredible, congratulations! How did you come to do a video for KB, and would you like to make another? Would you consider bottoming?
A. At this moment, I only work as a top. And the possibility of bottoming depends a lot on the costar, his dick size, and on my own experience at the moment. There can always be a first time. But I would have to become a very famous porno star first.

Q. Since your scene involved into a hot 3 way, which would you prefer: a one on one, or a group scene?
A. Doing a scene with one other person is simpler, but doing it with a group is a lot more fun. Because there are more bodies, different dicks, more positions... And more everything!

Q. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do your family and friends know about this side of you? I hope to hear that you intend to make another video with Kristen.
A. No, my family knows nothing about my porno career. They know that I'm a globe trotter, but nothing more. They respect my private life, and ask me no questions.

Q. Do you find the right girl yet? Are you married? How many children do you have?
A. In each city that I travel to in order to shoot videos, I leave some seed which never germinates! But it makes other people (those who experience it) impregnate their own wives!

Q. Which of all Kristen's models who you have met but NOT been in a scene with would you like to have sex with, either in a new video or in real life?
A. I have only done two videos with Kristen so far, so I haven't had the opportunity to meet other models of Kristen's aside from my costars. But I hope to receive interesting proposals from some of them in the future.

Q. Have you ever wanted to perform in straight or bisexual videos? Do you have favorite pornstars?
A. No I haven't, and I don't.

Q. It's crazy, the thing that fascinates me the most about you is your smile. Very intriguing. Take care, and good luck.
A. My smile is both intriguing and malicious! With a smile, astuteness, and intelligence, the world is yours for the taking!

Q. You are a very sexy guy. Thank you for making the world a happier place! Do you like to play with feet? Has anybody ever played with your feet?
A. I would like to have the world at my feet... But as far as my feet go, I have only had my big toes sucked on.

Q. Hi Juan! I think you have a very sexy smile! Are you ticklish? Where? Would you ever consider doing a 'tickle' video? Thanks!
A. I'm only ticklish around my waist... But if you try to tickle me I'll punch you! A 'tickle' video? Who makes those? Are you a 'tickle' video producer?

Q. Just wanted to throw in my two cents worth here Juan concerning your AWESOME performance in THE ISLE OF MEN. I don't know if you were aware or not, but you are in the first scene of the DVD. I had no sooner put the disc in my player than I was foaming at the mouth over your hot, hot erection through those tight khaki pants. I don't believe there is anything hotter than seeing a sexy man's cock clearly outlined in his pants. I thought you were extremely handsome and still can't believe where Kristen finds such beautiful men. As I was watching you, I began to think I was watching The Rock from professional wrestling. You are a dead ringer for him. Doubtful that The Rock is as well endowed as you though! You are one AWESOME man and I have to tell you that I thought you were incredible in ISLE OF MEN. Do you plan on doing any more videos with Kristen? Please say yes because we have to see more of you in action. One video just ain't gonna get it! Thanks for getting this Ohio dude worked up real fast. The minute I laid eyes on you cruising the street in the video, I was hooked. Have you ever actually cruised with that incredible cock showing as it did in the video in real life? If you have, just where did you do it? I am flying there right now!
A. Do I cruise by showing my dick? Sure, I do that all the time! I like to provoke people. If someone who I'm attracted to shows an interest in me, I drag them off to the furthest corner so that they can see what Juan Jimenez has hidden in his pants!

Q. What is your favorite sexual activity?
A. I like to excite myself with someone while dressed. That's one of my of my fantasies. But sexually, what I most like is to touch and suck a man's balls.

Q. Hi Juan, you look great in THE ISLE OF MEN, and your sexual performances are good. One question: have you ever eaten cum? What is your opinion about it?
A. No, I have never done that, except for in that scene (with my own cum) because the director asked me to, and I accepted

Q. What's the best thing that ever happened to you?
A. To have been born as a Western European, hot blooded Latin.

Q. What is the worst thing?
A. For me, the worst thing that could happen to me would be contracting a serious illness, or if someone in my family died. So far, I have suffered neither of these fates. I believe that a person learns by his mistakes. And up till now, life hasn't treated me so badly. But if you think having to prostitute one's self at some time out of necessity is bad, then that would be the answer to your question.

Q. What's the wildest sexual adventure you have ever had?
A. It was a trip I made to Toronto... I almost stayed there to live!

Q. What are the things you would never do in a video? What are your limits?
A. Excluding fetishes, I like everything... Except, bottoming, and unsafe sex.