Answer num: 1
12/12/10 05:34:59
Ola Kristen.. I don't know, but I think the time is ok. I think most of the time, people just forgot the show.. and lost the chance to see that hot studs in action! But I think you must to keep this same time, so with the time all the menbers will know that sunday night is show time at Kristen's site.
Name: cellio
Hi Guys,
On December 12th, Carlos Montenegro will do a FREE LIVE SHOW for members only.
This will be our 6th FREE LIVE SHOW so far, and I'm a bit concerned about the low number of members who have logged on to watch them so far.
Are Sundays a bad day for most members? Or are the times chosen inconvenient? or is it that LIVE SHOWS just aren't something that interests members?
Guys, please let me know your thoughts.