Forum - Remembering stars from the past - / Sexo Bareback

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Remembering stars from the past
01/04/22 14:09:32

I’ve been a devout KB fan since the early days. I remember buying my copy of Carnival in Rio when I was just coming out in my early 20s and have owed a copy of every film since. These wonderful films gave me hope and a since of pride while watching them. There have many, many incredibly beautiful men who have shared themselves with us but my favorite star of all time was Lucas Fox. I hope he is doing well - I did follow him on some other sites but his work with KB was the best. Who is your favorite star or stars of the past?

Nombre: Nubajon
Respuesta num: 1
16/05/22 14:40:44

Thank you for being such a devout fan! As for Lucas Fox, I haven't heard from him in several years, and I don't know what he is up to these days. I've had many favorite actors, but that's often because I find them easy to work with. If it's just in terms of beauty, one of my very favorites was Carlos Montenegro.

Nombre: Kristen