Forum - Web videos slowly - / Kristen Bjorn / Porno Bareback

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Web videos slowly
17/02/10 03:37:53

I would have observe the webvideos is buffering slowly... in my first experience with KB the videos buff was so fast, but now is so bad... what's going on???

Nome: Thiago


num: 1
19/02/10 15:44:07

i'll cancel my account

Nome: thiago


num: 2
20/02/10 10:36:17

We appreciate any contructive criticisms to improve your viewing pleasure. In this case, it's difficult to say where the problem lays.. It could be your own server. We haven't changed service on our end.

Please tell me more details about the problem; When did you first notice it? Is it constant, or occasional? Do you have the same problem on other sites?

Nome: Kristen